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Conventional Deadlifts

Conventional Deadlifts

Walk up to the bar, mid foot under the barbell. Feet hip width apart. Grip just outside of your legs width. Use overhand grip on the bar and save mixed (one hand over and one hand under grip) for heavy lifting and make sure to swap hands with mix grip if using it. Now for the actual movement. Engage your lats fully, they should be directly over the bar. Engage your core, imagine you are a crane, your hands are hooks, your arms are the cables, your glutes and hamstrings are the engine. Keep back straight the whole way up by keeping your lats constantly engaged. Do not over extend your spine at the top. On the way down- hinge at the hips, shoulders strong squeezed back and down. After the bar goes passed the top of your knees, use your body as a unit to bring the weight down. Do not relax the body until the weight is down on the floor. This includes constantly keeping your upper and lower body tense and strong to protect your back.

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