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Exercise library

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Back Foot Elevated Lunges

The further you bring your foot out the more glute focused, the closer your foot is in towards the bench, the more quad focused.

Bench Press (BB)

Bicep Curls (Cable)

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Bicep Curls (DB's)

Bicep Curls (Ez Bar)

This is better for those whose wrists hurt with a normal bar.

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Bulgarian Split Squats

The further you bring your foot out the more glute focused, the closer your foot is in towards the bench, the more quad focused.

Cable Flyes

Chest Press (DB)

This movement can feel very weird when first doing it! Start with a lower weight until you feel confident with it!

Close Grip Pull-Downs

Conventional Deadlifts

Flyes (DB)

Front Foot Elevated Lunges

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